Interested In Posting Your Study or Research?
GOTA Guidelines for Posting of Research StudiesPlease complete our online submission form to have your study posted to our website and/or facebook page.
Click Here to complete the form.
Due to the increased number of requests for GOTA to post research studies for members to learn about, the GOTA Research Committee developed guidelines for the request and review process. Please read the following requirements, and complete the form on the next page to submit a research study posting request. Decisions: GOTA will reserve the right to decide whether a research study may be posted. All requests for posting a research study must comply with the following requirements. Documentation required must be submitted via the digital form. Requests will be reviewed within 1 month from date of submission. Required Documentation1. Documentation of IRB Review This includes documentation of a non-human subjects determination, exemption, expedited or full board review. All requests must be accompanied by documentation of IRB review. The documentation must be on IRB/Institution letterhead, include the name of the IRB and point of contact with the IRB, date of approval and expiration date, and the title of the research study. The name of the Principal Investigator must be listed as either the primary contact or an additional collaborator. 2. Recruitment Materials
3. Fees for Posting After reviewing other OT state organizations fees for research posting, the GOTA Research Committee sought to balance affordability with the need to support GOTA administrative time in making posts. The fees described below are less than other state organizations and we consider reasonable for the time needed to make the post.
4. Student Projects. Students are allowed to submit requests, but are subject to the same fee structure. All student projects require an accompanying mentor or faculty signature and course name/number (if applicable). Current ResearchTelemedicine in Early Childhood Constraint Therapy in Cerebral Palsy (APPLES-tele)Introducing the APPLES-tele Research Study. The APPLES-tele Research Study was created to help babies who have cerebral palsy or are at high risk for cerebral palsy move their arms more like other children at an early age. It also supports parents to help their children develop arm and hand movements. If you have any questions or would like to refer a family to the study, please contact us at the BBOP (Baby Brain Optimization Project) Lab at Emory University - [email protected] or 678-476-5152. The University of ScrantonMy name is Jennifer Whittaker, I am a faculty member at The University of Scranton mentoring MSOT students conducting IRB-approved research to a) identify practicing occupational therapists' self-reported level of knowledge about population health concepts and b) identify practicing occupational therapists' self-reported level of confidence using population health concepts. All U.S. practicing occupational therapists are invited to participate by completing a short anonymous survey. No experience working with populations is required. You will have the option to enter to win a $20 Amazon gift card. Please email [email protected] with any questions. Link to survey: