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Wheelchair Seating and Positioning: Assessment, Troubleshooting and Achieving the Perfect Fit!
Friday, October 13, 2017, 8:00 AM - 3:30 PM EDT
Category: Events

Wheelchair Seating and Positioning: Assessment, Troubleshooting and Achieving the Perfect Fit!

Performance Health Academy

Date: October 13, 2017

Location: Atlanta, GA

Time: 8am-3:30pm, 7:30am registration

Registration Site Link: https://performancehealthacademy.profitoptics.com/Home/Outline/1061

Over 3 million Americans use wheelchairs on a daily basis. Within this population, there is a great abundance of improper seating and positioning, which can result in skin breakdown, decreased wheelchair tolerance, and a reduction in overall function and independence.  For health care workers, the responsibility of evaluating clients, determining needs and seeking out the most appropriate form of wheelchair seating and positioning can often be daunting. 

Dr. Kirsten Davin designed this seminar to provide equipment providers, clinicians and other health care professionals with a working knowledge of performing seating and mobility assessments, troubleshooting existing seating systems, and incorporating the skills to implementing seating and positioning equipment to increase client independence.  Evaluation, assessment techniques, procedures and equipment will be presented, including common diagnoses which often warrant specialized seating considerations or equipment.  Funding sources will be identified, and participants will receive an overview of how to develop letters of medical necessity, as well as key elements to include for equipment approval. 

For those currently struggling with patients in poor sitting positions, whether it is in a skilled nursing facility, acute care center, home health setting or elsewhere, this class is a must!


Contact: Diane Hammel