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Atl-Region Meeting
Tuesday, August 21, 2018, 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM EDT
Category: Regional Meetings

Join the Atl-Region for our August meeting with Kathleen Kalley-Octa as she introduces us to Funding Sources 101. Whether you are a lone wolf clinician or part of a healthcare juggernaut learn the ins & outs of funding sources: where to look for resources, how to apply, and what to consider as you fund your research & passion projects. 

The Atl-Region is proud to introduce the femtech start-up- Tina HealthCare to GOTA. Tina Healthcare will be completing a product pitch at the beginning of our meeting & will be soliciting clinician feedback. https://www.tinahealthcare.com/

Meeting Location Information:Center for Assistive Technology and Environmental Access (CATEA) and Alternative Media Access Center (AMAC) building.

512 Means Street NW Atlanta, GA 30318, Training room A-066

When you walk in, go to the right and take the elevator to the 1st floor (or take outside stairs to 1st floor). 

 Free parking is now available. From Marietta Street you can either turn onto Means Street or Bankhead Avenue (depending on how the GPS may guide you).  You will need to locate the security guard station off of Means Street to access our building and parking lots.

 When you enter the parking area you will see the security guard station with the words "Carriage Works" displayed. Please stop at the security booth and let them know that you are visitors of CATEA. After, continue all the way back towards the left to the 512 building; our offices are located right at the exit gate (yellow star on the map). There are stairs and a ramp up to the covered entrance. Parking is free no matter where you park and there are a few accessible spots closer to the building. When you walk in, go to the right and take the elevator to the 1st floor (or take outside stairs to 1st floor).


Please email Atl-chair Stan Swanson for additional information: stantonswanson2@gmail.com


Contact: [email protected]